What is the difference between "archives" and "special collections?"


The term "archives" usually refers to institutional records.  These materials document the major goals and activities of an organization, business, etc. and are therefore preserved by that entity.  For example, the students, staff, and faculty at Emerson create course catalogs, performance playbills, and reports (to name only a few records).  These materials are then preserved and made available in the Emerson College Archives & Special Collections.

Special Collections are non-institutional historical records held by an organization or department.  Usually they are donated or purchased.  For example, at Emerson we have a collection of materials created, collected, and donated by alumnus Bill Dana.  Archives & Special Collections staff have preserved the collection and make it available to the public.

  • Last Updated Jul 16, 2020
  • Views 1441
  • Answered By Jennifer Williams

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