I can't log in!

How do I log in to the library?



So there are two places you might be trying to log in and they require different credentials:

Emerson single sign-on page

If you're trying to access our Library Catalog or a database like Kanopy Streaming Media you should see a standard Duo log in...where you input your Emerson email and password, same as you would for your email or Canvas. This is the more important type of login that grants you access to most of our online resources.






The other place you mighscreenshot of Multisearch result page showing the My EBSCO login button in the upper rightt be trying to log in is within a database. Many of our databases, (including our Multisearch) have the option to create an account to allow you to save articles, searches, and send alerts. These accounts are totally unrelated to your Emerson credentials. There are advantages to creating an account, but you don't have to.

  • Last Updated Jun 17, 2024
  • Views 57
  • Answered By Cate Schneiderman

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