How do I access NYT Podcasts?

The New York Times has over 40 exclusive shows including Serial Productions and The Daily


Our New York Times subscription includes access to exclusive podcasts. To listen, link your NYT account to Apple Podcasts or Spotify (see NYT's guide). Note: Android users must use Spotify to access exclusive NYT podcasts.


Subscriber-only podcast episodes have a Subscribe to unlock full access to our podcasts banner across the top.

To link an Apple Podcast account to your New York Times account:

  1. Select Already a Subscriber? 
    • If you do not already have a subscription that includes Audio, select Subscribe to unlock full access to your podcasts. If the NYTimes News App is not downloaded on your device, the Apple App store will open on your device and prompt you to download the NYTimes News app in order to subscribe. 
  2. Enter the email address associated with your New York Times account and select Continue
  3. If you have a New York Times subscription that includes Audio, you must select Continue to link your accounts. A Subscription Connected message will appear and you can start listening!

Note: This process must be repeated separately for the Serial channel on Apple Podcasts.


Subscriber-only podcast episodes have a Lock icon.

To link a Spotify account to your New York Times account:

  1. Select the Lock icon from any podcast and select Get access
  2. Select Link Account from the auto-populated Spotify account information.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your New York Times account and select Continue. If the email address is associated with a New York Times account, you will be prompted to enter your password and log in.
    • If you do not have a New York Times account, you can create one by entering an email address.
  4. If you have a New York Times subscription that includes Audio, you must select Agree to link your accounts.
  5. After selecting Agree, select Continue to complete the account linking process. A message will appear indicating you’ve logged in using Spotify, and you can start listening!

To unlink The New York Times from your Spotify account:

  1. Log into Spotify on a web browser
  2. Select your account icon from the top right corner and open Account
  3. From the Security and Privacy section, select Manage Apps
  4. Select Remove Access next to The New York Times

For technical assistance, contact Apple or Spotify directly.


  • Last Updated Jan 09, 2025
  • Views 83
  • Answered By

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