Can I bring my class to the library?


We welcome all members of the Emerson community to the library. Certain times are much busier than others and there may be limited available space (lower density times tend to be earlier in the morning and later in the week). Any Emerson community member, including faculty, can book a study room via Spacebook.

Faculty can also collaborate with their School Librarian to discuss options for integrating library instruction.

If you plan to bring your class to the library, we kindly ask that you email a few days prior to your visit with information about when you plan to come to the library, how many students will be visiting, and if you will be pulling materials (especially for multiple class sections). This allows us to make sure the service desk is properly staffed for increased traffic and that materials can be held or reshelved in a timely manner for any in-library assignments.

  • Last Updated Mar 14, 2024
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Christina Dent

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