Why are my article links broken now? I found a bunch of great articles using the library's databases and emailed the links to myself to read later.


Stable links are called Permalinks. Permalinks may also be called Persistent Links, DOIs, or Bookmarks. 

Here's the deal: copy-and-pasting a database link from the URL bar just gets you a broken link. Why? You're copy-and-pasting a temporary URL.

Instead, you want a durable, permanent, stable link that takes you back to the article, ebook, or video you want to review later. Most library databases - including the online library catalog - contain permalinks for copy-pasting a good link into your email or Google Doc.

Stable links to New York Times articles are available in some of our databases. NYTimes.com requires you to log in first on their website to gain access to articles.

  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2023
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Christina Dent

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