I want to put a Harvard Business School (HBS) case study on reserve for my class, how do I do that?


The best way to make Harvard Business School (HBS) case studies available to your students is to work directly with Harvard Business School Publishing to create a customizable coursepack that students can purchase as needed. You can designate some items as required and others as optional. HBS will create the coursepack and provide you with a custom link that you can email to your students and put on your syllabus and Canvas page. Students can purchase the whole packet or individual case studies depending on their needs. 

There are a limited number of HBS case studies available in the library's physical collection which can be put on physical reserve. However, the library will no longer buy HBS case studies to put on reserve.  This advanced catalog search finds most of them: harvard business school as publisher and case studies as subject.

As an alternative to HBS, the WARC database provides electronic access to many high-quality, easily available case studies on a variety of business topics. (WARC is a marketing research company - unrelated to Emerson's WARC.) Please consult with your School Librarian for other sources of case studies.

Additionally, the library maintains a print subscription to the Harvard Business Review (HBR). This title is indexed (citations only), and those seeking online access to HBR may request individual articles through Interlibrary Loan.

  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2024
  • Views 88
  • Answered By Emerson Reference

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